Why I Write – an Interview with Packt

In a Packt Publishing interview, I share my thoughts on the writing process. Here’s a sample:

Packt: Do you have any tips for other authors, or tricks that you learnt whilst writing, that you’d like to share?

Michael: Some of your best writing occurs when you’re not actively engaged in writing. Always have a pen available to jot down ideas as they occur; you never know when you’ll solve a nagging problem or craft the phrase that clearly explains a concept. Also, the best way to meet your deadline is to start writing. Words are cheap and you can discard them as easily as you write them, so write everything you can think of. Edit later.
You can read the entire interview at Packt’s website.

Packt is recruiting authors, so they want current authors to share their insights on the writing process. However, there’s a question I wished they would have asked. So, indulge me while I interview myself for a moment:

Scratchguide: What motivates you to research, write, and edit a computer programming book?

Michael: The glory. I’m all about the international glory, fast cars, and easy access to events like the Ohio Linux Fest. Oh, that’s right, OLF is free for all.  So, while I wait for my invitation from a queen and the fast cars to catch up with me, my primary motivation for technical writing is that teaching others how to use a great piece of software is a great way to give back to a community.

Teaching requires learning, and I love to learn, too.  It really is that simple.

Packt has a bunch of author interviews posted, and are a must read for anyone who “has a book in ’em.”

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