Category Archives: Scratch Workshop

Scratch Programming Challenges

The ScratchEd site posted a short video showing Mitch Resnick leading a Scratch programming challenge, “Diving Deeper.” In the workshop, he hands out short instructions to the class, such as,”Whenever you click on the background, a flower appears at that spot.”

I like the bite-sized approach. Here’s a short video of a challenge in action.

Diving Deeper with Scratch:

You can view the entire Scratch programming challenge, here.

Scratch Day 2010 Pictures

My trip to the OLPC Learning Club’s 2nd Annual Scratch Day in Arlington, VA was a lot of fun, and I met a lot of great people along the way. I don’t have an official headcount, but I think attendance estimates on are in the 60-70 people range.

The talent in the teen and parents workshop that I helped facilitate ranged from new to experienced Scratchers. However, by the end of the workshop everyone was able to develop an idea into a Scratch project.

Here are a few photos and videos from the event, courtesy of Mike Lee.