Tag Archives: articles

New Raspberry Pi Geek Magazine

Raspberry Pi Geek Issue 1
Raspberry Pi Geek Issue 1 from Linux New Media.

I’ve been working on a new project for the past couple of months and am happy that I can finally promote it. I’ve been invited to write a column for Raspberry Pi Geek Magazine, a new publication from Linux New Media. In my initial column, I help you create a variation of the class arcade game Breakout.

If you want to create a game in Scratch that has action and consequences, you’ll need determine where your sprites are and what they’re doing at any given time. To help demonstrate how Scratch can sense information about the game in real time, I’ll draw inspiration from the classic arcade game Breakout.

Read this article and check out the new Raspberry Pi Geek magazine.

Rapsberry Pi Geek is published from the same great people who publish Linux Pro Magazine and the Raspberry Pi Handbook.